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After weight-loss surgery, many people are left with a large amount of excess skin. Robert Frank, MD Plastic Surgery offers Munster, Hobart, Crown Point, and Frankfort patients post-bariatric reconstruction, which eliminates this skin and improves the body’s overall contour.

Post-bariatric reconstruction is often a series of procedures that Dr. Frank typically completes during multiple surgical session. Unlike a body lift that focuses on the lower abdomen and back, this series of reconstructive procedures holistically address all sagging skin. Each targets a different area of the body, and the result is a significantly improved aesthetic appearance. Depending on the patient’s goals, some procedures can be grouped together.

Dr. Frank’s Approach to Post-Bariatric Reconstruction

Most Bariatric patients come in a year or more after their weight loss surgery or when their weight is stable. During the initial consultation, patients meet directly with Dr. Frank to discuss their areas of greatest concern. With post-bariatric reconstruction, patients from Munster, Hobart, Crown Point, and Frankfort patients have an opportunity to address these issues, which may include:

  • Excess skin around the thighs and arms.
  • An apron of skin around the torso, including the belly, pubic area, and back.
  • Unwanted skin around the face and breast areas.
  • Droopy and deflated appearing breasts.

By combining procedures, Dr. Frank can offer a transformation in a person’s appearance from head to toe. At the conclusion of the consultation, he provides patients with a quote for the total cost they can expect.

This transparency in pricing, somewhat uncommon in surgical practices, allows patients to know their true expense before they make their decision. It is also representative of how Dr. Frank prioritizes the needs of those in his care.

| robert frank md*Individual results may vary
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About the Procedure

Most massive weight loss patients need medical clearance before surgery. Following preoperative testing and scheduling, post-bariatric reconstruction takes place near Munster and Hobart in a JCAHO-accredited facility. During surgery, which takes place under general anesthesia, Dr. Frank:

  • Excises loose skin, tightens the loose abdominal wall.
  • Improves the appearance of the body’s contour in targeted areas.
  • Places drains that reduce fluid build-up and contribute to a healthier recuperation.

Recovery from Post-Bariatric Reconstruction

The recovery that post-bariatric reconstruction patients can expect depends on the extent of their procedure. Typically, patients return to work once our practice removes their drains, which takes place during ongoing follow-up visits.

The individuals who have reconstruction are among Dr. Frank’s most satisfied patients. Often, they often recognize a huge improvement in their appearance and lifestyle, from sleeping and exercising more comfortably to wearing new clothing styles to greater ease in social settings.

Dr. Frank’s Advice on Recovery

We all have our own ideas of how long recovery should take. Unfortunately, this means many patients try to rush their recovery and go back to normal activities. This trend is especially true among young mothers who want to spend every moment with their children. They may attempt to play with or pick up their children before their bodies are ready to handle that strain.

Dr. Frank sees rushed recoveries in several ways, with one of the most common being pain. Patients who try to be too active too early in the recovery process often find themselves running through their pain medication too soon and have to ask for an early refill. Rather than increase the amount of medication you take, you will feel better sooner and end the period wherein you need the medication faster if you allow your body to rest. Do not force your body to undergo more physical strain than it is ready to handle. It is okay to take 30-minute breaks on the couch.

Another way Dr. Frank sees patients push themselves too hard is an increased risk of both swelling and dangerous hematomas.

For example, after liposuction, your body needs time to move fluid out of your skin. Patients who have had liposuction will have skin that feels firmer than untreated areas because of this fluid buildup. Getting that fluid out of your skin is one of your recovery goals during the weeks after surgery. But if you activate your muscles near the treated area, that activity draws fluid into the area, which increases swelling and often pain. In the case of a tummy tuck, too much activity early in your recovery can increase blood pressure, which then causes more oozing into the space created during surgery. While a little fluid is normal, it’s easy to overwhelm your body’s ability to absorb this fluid. A hematoma is the result.

To minimize these concerns, Dr. Frank encourages all patients to clear their schedules of everything except the most essential duties for the two weeks after surgery. You should minimize the amount of childcare, job responsibilities, meetings, social activities, and home chores in which you partake so your body can rest. You will feel better and recover faster if you plan ahead so that your body, not your calendar, determines when you are ready for your physical activities.

If you are having or have already had weight-loss surgery, talk with Robert Frank, MD Plastic Surgery about your options for post-bariatric reconstruction. Dr. Frank serves patients from Munster, Hobart, Crown Point, and Frankfort. Call our office at (219) 513-2011 or use our online form today!