Patients often seek aesthetic solutions when they recognize signs of aging in their face. Whether it’s lines along the forehead, protruding cheek bones, or wrinkles that run from the nose to the ends of the lips, each can add years to a person’s appearance. For patients in Munster, Hobart, Crown Point, and Frankfort, facial fat grafting offers a natural solution to reduce these signs of aging and reduce unwanted fat from other areas of the body.* Robert Frank, MD Plastic Surgery also uses the procedure to address small scars and depressions, creating a more even appearance.*

Dr. Frank’s Approach to Facial Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting is one of several options for addressing wrinkles, lines, scarring, and a sunken or angular appearance. Through an initial consultation, Dr. Frank discusses with patients the different methods of treatment and recommends whether fat grafting is a good option.

Some of the advantages of the procedure are that it:

  • Uses the patient’s own fat. Some patients prefer this approach to other fillers.
  • Is relatively low-impact. Facial fat grafting is less invasive than options like facelift.
  • Improves other areas. For example, Dr. Frank can use donor fat from the hips, thighs, or arms to create a slimmer contour while addressing signs of aging in the face.*

Fat is a less predictable source of volume than other fillers, however, as some cells will survive while others will not. Depending on the amount of facial fat grafting required, Dr. Frank may advise other approaches to help patients achieve the results they want.

About the Procedure

Patients from Munster, Hobart, Crown Point, and Frankfort receive facial fat grafting in a JCAHO-accredited surgical facility. During the procedure:

  • Dr. Frank carefully removes fat from targeted areas of the body, giving the patient a more aesthetically-pleasing contour.
  • He will purify the fat and prepare it for injection.
  • Dr. Frank selects specific areas of the face to graft the fat, creating a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Dr. Frank can advise patients about providing other plastic surgery procedures within the same surgical session. Often, this reduces the overall time patients spend recuperating.

Recovery from Facial Fat Grafting

Patients in Munster, Hobart, Crown Point, and Frankfort can expect some bruising and swelling, which should go away within a couple of weeks.* Some patients prefer to stay home from work until the majority of these symptoms are reduced.

Other limiting factors depend on where and how much fat Dr. Frank needs to harvest. Dr. Frank advises patients in his care about how to limit discomfort, and ways to care for their results over time.

If you are looking for a natural and effective solution to reduce signs of aging, consider facial fat grafting in Hobart, Munster, Crown Point, and Frankfort. Discuss your options with Robert Frank MD, Plastic Surgery by calling (219) 513-2011 or using our online form.
*Individual results may vary